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The Full Story


It is our absolute pleasure to serve and become your new #1 destination for looking and feeling absolutely ravishing.

Our desire is to partner with our loved customers in fulfilling their dreams of superior confidence and helping make that a reality; without breaking the bank.

As we all know first impressions is the first key to open the doors of opportunity. Along with that is the confidence we carry with in ourselves. Ironically, when we feel great about our appearance it takes our confidence to the next level.

But, why do we care?

Heartbreak Boutique is envisioned, created and owned by Sylina Landis. Partnered with her husband Dominic Landis; who serves as Heartbreak Boutiques C.E.O. Sylina & Dominic are two everyday individuals who both came from very simple lives who didn't have much growing up. Both came from single mother households and remember very clearly all their mothers had to battle just to put food on the table. Not to mention the stress their mothers had trying to keep clothes on their backs.

Fast forward to today. Sylina & Dominic Landis are happily married for 11 years with 6 kids. As mentioned previously; Sylina & Dominic are just two everyday individuals both coming from below modest upbringings. With this in mind; neither had much to their names. However, they both had a desire to do something great in life. But, how? They both worked full time jobs, many times having to work multiple jobs at a time and raise 6 children. Additionally, their credit was not the best. How could two people like them do anything great?

Napoleon Hill said it perfectly "Whatever your mind can conceive and believe, it can achieve."

Sylina had a vision. What if we can become a tool to help others build a unbreakable self confidence? What if we can make a way for the so called average individual to be able to mingle and network with millionaires/owners/C.E.O's? What if we can take this so called average individual and turn them into the commander of every room they step in? And, what if we can do all this and more without disturbing their finances?

In comes Heartbreak Boutique!

Heartbreak Boutique is for the ones that desire more in life but just need a little boost in self confidence. Heartbreak Boutique is and forever will be your one stop shop in going from not just dreaming you were the part but dressing the part and becoming the part.

Let’s Work Together

Get in touch so we can start working together. Be a Heartbreak Sponsor!

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